Camp Tall Trees is a residential camp especially for girls and is organized by Girl Scouts of Northern California. Camp Tall Trees is open to girl scouts and non girl scouts alike. We aim to make it possible for any girl to attend irrespective of her families ability to pay. We may able to grant camperships to those girls who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Girls entering grades 1-3 in Fall 2024
Aug 6 – 8, 2024
Location: Wolf Creek Education Center Redwood National Park
Cost $130.

Serving girls entering grades 1 thru 3 ( Daisies & Brownie Girl Scouts), this short three day two night camp are an ideal first camp experience. Girls will learn to work together while having fun. This is a great first camping experience.
Girls entering grades 4 – 5 in Fall 2024
Dates: Aug 9 – 13, 2024
Location: Wolf Creek Education Center, Redwood National Park
Cost: $245.

Serves girls entering grades 4 thru 5 (Junior girl scouts). Five days and four nights in length, this camp provides a longer and more challenging experience.
This session focuses on women as Explorers. Our goal is for girls to discover their environment and in so doing begin to appreciate it’s importance and their place with in it
Girls entering Grades 6 – 9 in fall 2024
Dates July 28 – Aug 3, 2024
Location: Wolf Creek Education Center, Redwood National Park
Cost $345
Explore ancient Greece, its culture, mythology, and science alongside traditional camp activities such as Archery, Rock Climbing, Rappelling, Campfire and much more.

Girls entering Grades 7 – 12 in fall 2024
Dates Aug 3- Aug 5, 2024
Location: Wolf Creek Education Center, Redwood National Park
Cost $50
(Entering Grades 7 – 12 in Fall 2024)
Earn the legacy rock climbing IP badge. This program is available as a two day extension of Greek camp or as a stand alone two night program.

Improve your climbing skills, discover the difference between static and dynamic moves, managing your center of gravity, reading the route, tie climbing knots and much more. Learn how to ascend and rappel using various hardware
Understand climbing hardware such as harnesses, prussik loops, belay devices, carabiners, types of rope, ascenders and other gear.
Develop the ability to safely belay other climbers an important skill for CITs.

Camp Tall Trees is run entirely by volunteers. We would like you to consider volunteering. We have opportunities for administrative volunteers, resident adult volunteers and day helpers. This is a great opportunity to have fun, re-live your childhood camp experiences, and enjoy the outdoors while helping an amazing group of girls grow.
We have many flexible ways to allow you to volunteer. Call us at (707) 839 3714 to discuss how you can participate. In the meantime, please check out our volunteer page. Since 2009 volunteers have provided over 800 camp experiences to girls. Thank You!
For more information on volunteering visit our Volunteer Page
CIT Opportunities

Girls entering grades 8 thru 12 in the fall and that have completed Program Aide training are eligible to apply for a CIT (counselor in training) position at one or more camp sessions. This is a great opportunity to have fun, help younger girls while at the same time developing your leadership skills.
On behalf of the girls who have benefited from attending Camp Tall Trees and its programs, we would like to recognize the organizations that have provided generous grants or other forms of support to Camp Tall Trees. Click here to see a list of our sponsors.
If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring some aspect of Camp Tall Trees we would love to hear from you. Sponsorship opportunities include supporting individual camperships for disadvantaged girls, providing materials, sponsoring individual activities, and providing services. If you feel able to help out please contact us at or call (707)-839-3714